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Individual sealed bids for the Gladiolus Ave. and St. Frances Dr. Utility and Roadway Improvements in Orange Park, Florida will be received by the Town Clerk, the Town of Orange Park, 2042 Park Avenue, Orange Park, Florida until 10:00 a.m., local time, Monday, February 6, 2023.
Envelopes must be clearly marked with the project title, time, and date of bid opening. If mailed, bids must be addressed to the Town Clerk at the above address. Bids must be submitted in the format as outlined in the specifications.
Gladiolus Ave and St. Frances Dr. Utility & Roadway Improvements
The Project is located on Gladiolus Ave and St. Frances Dr. The Project consists of approximately 1300 L.F. of Roadway, Curbing, Utility, and concrete work. The Project limits are on St Frances Dr, from the intersection with Dolphin St to the intersection with Bellair Blvd and Gladiolus Ave from the intersection with Dolphin St to the intersection with St. Frances Dr. The major work elements include, but are not limited to, the following:
Base Bid:
a. Replace existing 4 & 6-inch (4" & 6") water main with new PVC water main.
b. Replace existing water services and meters with new water services and meters.
c. Replace existing fire hydrants with new fire hydrants.
d. Abandoned in place existing 4 & 6-inch (4" & 6") water main by grout filling.
e. Pavement removal and reconstruction.
f. Remove existing and construct new curb and gutter.
g. Remove and replace residential concrete driveway aprons in ROW and designated sidewalks.
h. Install new 6-inch (6") PVC underdrain at back of curb.
i. Adjust four existing manhole rings and covers to grade elevations.
Bid documents will be made available by 11:00 a.m., Thursday, January 5, 2023, at Crawford, Murphy, and Tilly, Inc., 7400 Baymeadows Way, Suite 220, Jacksonville, Florida 32256, (904) 448-5300. The cost of the plans and specifications from CMT is $150.00 (non-refundable) and will be provided electronically in PDF format. Arrangements for payment and delivery of files should be directed to Eric Sanders at The project will also be available directly from the Town of Orange Park on their Demand Star site for digital download.
Bidders must submit with the Bid, documentation that they have constructed similar type work completed during the past five years with references. Each bidder must include resume and qualifications for their proposed on-site supervision superintendent. Said Superintendent shall have maintained continuous employment with bidder for a minimum of three years.
The bidders will be required to submit a Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid with their Proposal. The successful bidder will be required, upon award, to furnish a 100% Performance and Payment Bond, with a Surety acceptable to Owner. Each bid proposal shall remain binding for at least 90 days after the scheduled bid date.
The Owner shall have the right to reject any or all bids or to reject bids, which are in any way incomplete or irregular. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to reject all bids and re-advertise, or to reject all bids without further action, in the Owner's best interest. Any questions regarding the bid documents shall be in writing and directed to the Engineer of Record, Paul Ina, at email
By: ___________________________
Sarah Campbell
Town Manager
Legal 48444 Published 12/29/2022 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper

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