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To count or not to count: That is the question

By Chris Chambless, Clay County Supervisor of Elections
Posted 10/10/24

CLAY COUNTY – Recently, I received a text asking me to look at a video reporting Florida voting systems are tabulating ballots as "Blank Ballots" when a voter has properly marked the contests on …

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To count or not to count: That is the question


CLAY COUNTY – Recently, I received a text asking me to look at a video reporting Florida voting systems are tabulating ballots as "Blank Ballots" when a voter has properly marked the contests on their ballot. This is patently false. And what's worse is that this fallacy can be proven to be disinformation in Clay County through several of the processes in every election.

Paper Ballots. All votes are cast on paper ballots in Florida. Paper provides a source that can be verified by voters and audited.

Pre Logic and Accuracy: 100% Logic and Accuracy (L&A) Testing. After completing the maintenance and programming of voting equipment, Florida law requires logic and accuracy testing to be conducted on all voting equipment used in an election (100% L&A). This test Is done to ensure that the system is programmed correctly, the election is accurately defined on the voting system, the input, output and communication devices are working correctly, and correctly count the votes cast for all candidates in all offices and on all measures.

PublicL&ATesting- A sampleof alltabulationequipmentto beusedinanelectionmustbepublicly testedtoensureequipmentcorrectly countsthevotescastforallcandidates,inalloffices,andonall measures.

• Testingrequiresproducing/processingasetofpredeterminedvalidvotesforeachcandidate and foreachmeasure, oneor moreovervoted ballots for eachcontest andblank ballots. Thisiscommonly called atestdeck.

• Afterthetestdeckhasbeenprocessedthroughthetabulationequipment, acomparisonis madebetweenthepredeterminedtestdeckresultsandaprintoutoftabulatorresultstoensure that the"expected" votecountsmatch theactualvotecounts.

• Publishpublicnoticeatleast48hoursinadvanceoftheevent.

• Completeany day within the 25 days before early voting beginsinthe county.

• Requires canvassingboardtoconvene forpublic L&Atesting, certifytheaccuracy ofthetest, andwitnessresetting,lockingandsealingofeachdevicethatpassedtoapre-electionstateof readinessinsuchamannerastosecureitsstateofreadinessuntiltheopeningofthepolls.

Independent Auditing System. A completely independent and dissimilar auditing system compares votes to the reported results of the tabulation system. Every ballot is scanned into the auditing system and every vote is compared for every candidate, measure, and contest for every ballot cast in the election regardless of voting method (Vote by mail, Early, or Election Day).

Open to the public. Each process above is conducted by the Canvassing Board, consisting of a County Judge, Chair of the Board of County Commissioners and the Supervisor of Election, along with alternates. Think of it as the three branches of government: Judicial, Legislative and Executive.

Additionally,allpublicly noticedmeetings areopen to the public,Party Officials,Candidates, and thePress.

Ihopeyou will agree that today's voting process would require the total disregard of the law and requireallparticipatingStaff,CanvassingBoard,PartyOfficials,Candidates andthepresstobe complicit in the election fraud.