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Letters to the Editor: Reopening schools will result in ‘horrible sickness’


Dear School Board Members,

You thought you were done with me huh…… Not so fast. I am sending you this email to ask you to make a School Board Policy pertaining to the reopening of our Schools. The CCEA is sadden that these issues have become a political football. It should not be. This issue is about saving lives – children and teachers lives. The CCEA has no desire to have an argument with any of you, nor do we care to enter the subject of “who’s job is it”. Right now, we are asking for a School Board Policy so it is “Your” Job. I am asking you, no, I am begging you, to make a School Board Policy requiring Masks to be worn by every Employee and every Secondary Student in the District of Clay County. I am also recommending that you strongly recommend all Elementary Students, who are not excused medically, to wear a mask. What we have learnt so far about this Deadly Virus is that Masks Work. Masks save Lives. I wear a Mask to protect you, you wear a mask to protect me. It is that simple but Politics have made it so hard.

Masks are not going to save everyone’s life. The decision to reopen Schools will result in horrible sickness. We learned this from NYC who lost over 40 Teachers because they did not close Schools until it was too late. Look at us now. We are New York. We have over 800 cases in Clay and 34 deaths. We know that the worse thing we can do is go into closed rooms with lots of people and AC with no outside air circulation. That is what we are about to do. Teachers not only have to face their classes they have to do it with their doors closed and no Mask requirements. What on earth do you think is going to happen?

I truly hope you consider my email. I am the happiest person in Clay that I do not have to return to any school. I am the saddest person in Clay because these Teachers are my friends and family.

I pray you do the right thing and protect them.


Renna Lee Paiva

President, Clay County Education Association