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Letter to the Editor 7/14/22


Reader: True patriotism requires honest knowledge

Patriotism is not found in the waving of a flag or the display of fireworks. It is found with competent, honest, cooperative service whether in one’s location or to the greater Nation.
We all have gifts and abilities with which to serve.
Be sure to know your candidate’s background and suitability for the position he or she seeks. Do your research – don’t depend on brief TV ads or mailings. In terms of research, this is why books and newspapers and trustworthy, in-depth information online are so important. The display of Bibles or guns is irrelevant.
I wouldn’t choose my surgeon, my dentist, my home-builder or my plumber based on what church they attend, or whether they own a gun. I would find out their record and their demonstrated ability for the greatest number of their clients.
Nancy Moore
Penney Farms