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Free writing workshops offered at Green Cove Springs Library

Posted 6/27/24

GREEN COVE SPRINGS—Friends of the Green Cove Springs Library are sponsoring two free writing workshops on Aug. 8. The first workshop, Creative Writing, will be from 1 to 3 p.m., and the second, …

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Free writing workshops offered at Green Cove Springs Library


GREEN COVE SPRINGS—Friends of the Green Cove Springs Library are sponsoring two free writing workshops on Aug. 8. The first workshop, Creative Writing, will be from 1 to 3 p.m., and the second, Basics of Writing and Publishing, will be from 6 to 8 p.m.

The library is at 403 Ferris St.

The workshops are being presented by award-winning author Chrissa-Jean Chappell, who holds a PhD and MFA from the University of Miami and is a professor of creative writing at Lehman College. This will be her second visit to our library. She was here earlier this year upon releasing her latest book, “Sun Don’t Shine.” 

The workshop is for both teens and adults. Registration is required by calling (904) 284-6315. Each session is limited to 15 people. A notebook and pens will be provided, but you can bring a laptop or tablet.