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Faith Walk: New Year’s Resolutions

Christina Register True Life Church Clay County
Posted 12/28/22

Christmas is over. Whew! If you’re a mom like me, it is sometimes overwhelming. Now with Christmas behind us and with the New Year 2023 fast approaching, many of us take aim at our New Year’s …

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Faith Walk: New Year’s Resolutions


Christmas is over. Whew! If you’re a mom like me, it is sometimes overwhelming. Now with Christmas behind us and with the New Year 2023 fast approaching, many of us take aim at our New Year’s Resolutions. Yes, most of us do it! That saying that goes along with every bite of holiday goodness, “After the holidays I will do better.” In addition to self-improvement goals, there are all the things we want to do.

For some it is organizing our environments. For others it’s learning a new language. For many it’s spending more time with family and less time on devices. If you think about your resolutions over the years, I think you will find that many of us have broken these promises.

There is some encouraging news here, even though we have trouble being faithful with our “New Year’s Resolutions”, there is a God who is ALWAYS faithful to the commitments he makes.

God made a promise to Abraham, and his sons Isaac and Jacob that their descendants would multiply. Genesis 15:5 says, “Look up at the sky and count the stars - So shall your offspring be.” The fulfillment of that promise had begun as we see in Genesis 46:27 where it says, “the members of Jacob’s family, which went to Egypt, were seventy in all.”

God is not surprised when we don’t keep our promises because he knows we are human. That is why he sent his Son Jesus to earth. He knew we would never be perfect enough, so he sent One who was.

I love looking at the promises of God. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Then in 2 Corinthians 12:9 it says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” It is amazing to think that God will never leave us and be strong for us when we aren’t.

As 2023 approaches and you think of everything on your list that you would like to do, don’t forget the One who is faithful to keep all His promises not only in this new year, but every year thereafter. Have a healthy, blessed, and prosperous 2023!

You can write Christina at info@findtruelife.com.