Tuesday, Jan. 28
Chase M.C. Johnson, 25, Orange Park, fraudulent use of credit card, giving false name/ID
Ezzard B. Arrington, 45, Orange Park, two counts leaving scene of accident with property damage/injury, two counts DWLSR
Derick A. Wallace, 35, Green Cove Springs, possession methamphetamine, possession drug paraphernalia, fraudulent use of credit card
Lauren M. Cekov, 43, Fleming Island, false adult imprisonment, follow/harass/cyberstalk after injunction
Darius D. Padmore, 28, Green Cove Springs, battery by person detained in jail
William J. Schreader, 57, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement, four counts failure to disclose owned vehicles by sexual predator
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(Name, age, location of arrest, charges). Key: FTA-Failure to Appear; DWLSR-Driving Without a License-Suspended or Revoked; DUI-Driving Under the Influence; VOP-Violation of Probation; BAL-blood alcohol level. There are no assumptions or representations about guilt or innocence. Each person who is arrested or booked is considered innocent until proven guilty.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
Chase M.C. Johnson, 25, Orange Park, fraudulent use of credit card, giving false name/ID
Ezzard B. Arrington, 45, Orange Park, two counts leaving scene of accident with property damage/injury, two counts DWLSR
Derick A. Wallace, 35, Green Cove Springs, possession methamphetamine, possession drug paraphernalia, fraudulent use of credit card
Lauren M. Cekov, 43, Fleming Island, false adult imprisonment, follow/harass/cyberstalk after injunction
Darius D. Padmore, 28, Green Cove Springs, battery by person detained in jail
William J. Schreader, 57, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement, four counts failure to disclose owned vehicles by sexual predator
Emmanuel T.W. Space, 37, Orange Park, possession controlled substance
Meagan N. Kasprzyk, 38, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement
Elexis K. Hills, 30, Orange Park, criminal mischief
Monday, Jan. 27
Brandon R. Bellefluer, 20, Middleburg, DWLSR
Yaritza I. Vega, 19, Orange Park, shoplifting
William L. Parker, 35, Green Cove Springs, possession methamphetamine, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement, possession controlled substance, VOP community control
Adolph Brown, 31, Palatka, FTA
Sunday, Jan. 26
Christen R. Modlin, 37, Fleming Island, petit theft
Ali T. Pinkston, 22, Green Cove Springs, possession marijuana, possession drug paraphernalia, flee/elude law enforcement with lights/siren active, DWLSR, driving with expired registration
Luke A. Tassell, 21, Keystone Heights, domestic battery
Saturday, Jan. 25
John R.W. Baldwin, 35, Middleburg, DUI with BAL .15 or greater with passenger younger than 18
Claudia M. Panichi, 56, Orange Park, trespassing
Elfryd J.S. Pimentel, 33, Orange Park, petit theft
Esther A.L. Semeco, 25, Orange Park, petit theft
Alisha B. Meyers, 39, FTA DWLSR, FTA failure to register vehicle
Andrew Conte, 77, Green Cove Springs, selling methamphetamine, selling cocaine, distributing opium/derivative
Steven J. Dick, 55, Middleburg, violation of injunction for protection against domestic violence, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement
Harold A. Rager, 58, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement, refuse to sign citation or post bond, leaving scene of accident involving property damage
Friday, Jan. 24
Cherry M. Padgett, 45, Orange Park, two counts battery on specified personnel, trespassing
Robert C. Wahl, 22, Green Cove Springs, VOP DUI, VOP resisting law enforcement
Kate R. Brown, 83, Middleburg, shoplifting
Benjamin I. Vangas, 27, Green Cove Springs, battery in jail
Isabelle D. Coulter, 18, Green Cove Springs, FTA resisting law enforcement with violence, FTA possession methamphetamine, FTA possession drug paraphernalia
Francisco A.G. Baez, 21, Orange Park, aggravated assault with deadly weapon
Thursday, Jan. 23
Hannah M. Landon, 20, Middleburg, DUI
Mario Perez, 50, Green Cove Springs, failure to redeliver hired/leaved personal property
Melissa M. Satayavinit, 33, Middleburg, resist/obstruct/oppose law enforcement
Mark A. Ciopryna, 56, Middleburg, trafficking cocaine
Eufemio Avila, 27, Fleming Island, DWLSR
Brian J. Callaway, 37, Green Cove Springs, VOP possession methamphetamine
Rosevelt Richardson, 42, Orange Park, battery on specified personnel
Jermaine William King, 20, Orange Park, attempted second-degree murder, shoot/throw missile into dwelling/vehicle/building
Alan E.C. Izaguirr, 23, Orange Park, driving without valid license
Betty A. Peak, 44, Green Cove Springs, FTA DWLSR
Tiffany N. Scott, 43, Middleburg, DUI, flee/elude with lights/siren active
David J. Portfidio, 30, Fleming Island, DUI with BAL .15 or greater with passenger younger than 18
Aaron M. Wilder, 34, Middleburg, resisting law enforcement with violence, refusal to submit to BAL testing, DUI
Wednesday, Jan. 22
Dustin J. Kelley, 44, Middleburg, non-support
Joshua M. Zayas, 27, Middleburg, battery