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Studies show hundreds will die on roadways if pot is legalized


An item on the ballot in Florida is to legalize marijuana. If passed, it will allow people to smoke so-called recreational drugs. Unfortunately, as shown in other states, it will result in the deaths of hundreds of innocent people by drivers under the influence of THC.

In Colorado, 290 people have been killed since 2016. Even worse, according to Berkley Unite, the number of people killed by drivers under the influence of drugs like marijuana has driven to 10,903 people killed.

• Nationally, 10903 people were killed in drug-involved traffic crashes in 2021.

• In California, there were 751 people killed in drug-involved traffic crashes in 2021.

• Drug-involved fatalities increased nationally by 1% between 2020 and 2021.

• Drug-involved fatalities decreased in California by 41.4% between 2020 and 2021.

Do we want Florida to permit road users to be killed by THC-impaired drivers, similar to what has happened in other states? With this knowledge, maybe the people selling THC-related drugs should be held accountable, maybe as accessories to the murder of innocent people on the roads. I am serious about road safety. I have spent 48 years saving people’s lives as a traffic engineer, only to see my state reverse all my good work, saving hundreds of lives with roundabouts and traffic-calming, people-friendly street design.