NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: MARK H FINK, the holder of the following certificate has filed said certificate
for a tax deed to be issued thereon. The certificate number and year of issuance, the description of the property,
and the names in which it was assessed are as follows:
Certificate No.: 4161/2016
Legal Description: LOTS 3 & 4 BLK K LAKE HILLCRES AS REC O R 2577 PG 1092
Parcel ID No.: 030923-021968-000-00
Opening Bid Amount: $3,172.02
Physical Address: SWAN LAKE , MELROSE
Name in which assessed: ASSURANCE INVESTMENTS LLC
Said property being in the County of Clay, State of Florida.
Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the property described in such certificate shall be sold
to the highest bidder online on the 17th day of May, 2023 at 9:30 A.M at
Dated this 27th day of March, 2023
Clay County Clerk & Comptroller
Clay County, Florida
By: Christina Spadea
Deputy Clerk
Legal 63038 Published 3/30/2023, 4/6/2023, 4/13/2023 and 4/20/2023 in Clay County's Clay Today newspaper