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Did You Know

Posted 1/9/25

Clay Today will test your knowledge weekly and provide interesting facts on various topics. This week, unique Clay County laws. Some laws are very distinctive to the county, like: did you know it’s …

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Did You Know


Clay Today will test your knowledge weekly and provide interesting facts on various topics. This week, unique Clay County laws. Some laws are very distinctive to the county, like: did you know it’s illegal to live in a recreational vehicle in Clay County? If someone is younger than 18, they are prohibited from soliciting, which technically means fundraising. (But let’s face it, cheerleaders and Little League teams aren’t going to jail for raising money for car washes.) Also, if you host a social gathering at a residence, public lodging establishment or lot that includes non-family members, or use an amplified sound system in any public place or from an aircraft or building, you must first obtain a permit. That means an open party with loud music would be a double violation. Did you know that? Also, allowing a dog to run freely without a leash on any public or private property is illegal. Anyone who’s been convicted of a sexual crime and is listed as a sexual predator is not only prohibited from living within 2,000 feet away from a school, park, playground and childcare facility, but they can’t be within 300 feet of any place where children gather, such as a school bus stop.